Wolontariat & Ekologia
We get to know other cultures through joint action
What do we have in common?
„Dbamy o korzenie”
Similarities and Differences – Our European Cultures
There is no Planet B!
You can make a change – Ecological Volunteering
Ecological Volunteering – How can each of us change the world?
Our Home, Our Responsibility
Open to Europe, Change the World
We! Citizens of Europe
One Europe One Future
„Our planet needs you – Ecological Volunteering”
Europeans are one family!
ErasMUSIC+ – project implemented by informal group „Youth 4 Change”
Livin’ The Green Life!
“European Integration as a Key to Our Success!”
Keep It Green!
Sport Up Your Life!
One spirit, one team, one win!
Planet 1st!
Sport 4 Life
Dance Your Way!
Life on Screen – Understanding Millennials
Youth Votes for Europe
„A modern fairytale: Hate speech and fake news in media”
„Getting to know each other!”
Involve! Include! Improve!
My passion – My profession
No P.I.G.S. anymore