Wirtualny świat – szanse i zagrożenia
Europe for You(th)
Wolontariat & Ekologia
We get to know other cultures through joint action
Similarities and Differences – Our European Cultures
There is no Planet B!
You can make a change – Ecological Volunteering
Ecological Volunteering – How can each of us change the world?
What do we have in common?
Open to Europe, Change the World
We! Citizens of Europe
Our Home, Our Responsibility
One Europe One Future
„Our planet needs you – Ecological Volunteering”
„Dbamy o korzenie”
Europeans are one family!
“European Integration as a Key to Our Success!”
Keep It Green!
Livin’ The Green Life!
One spirit, one team, one win!
Planet 1st!
Sport Up Your Life!
Dance Your Way!
ErasMUSIC+ – project implemented by informal group „Youth 4 Change”
Sport 4 Life
Life on Screen – Understanding Millennials
Youth Votes for Europe
„A modern fairytale: Hate speech and fake news in media”
„Getting to know each other!”
Involve! Include! Improve!
My passion – My profession
No P.I.G.S. anymore